After more than 10 hours flight I've landed in Houston. This is my second adventure in the States. The first was in 2005 in New York to see U2 in concert. This time will be work related.
At the control the police officer made a few questions and after I told him I will be in one stage at NASA put the stamp in my passport. With a electric blue Dodge Caliber I make my way towards south in a five lanes Freeway, in a sunny, hot a humid afternoon, with rock music in the radio, it's fantastic ... After a week in Texas I can make a first description of how I find this society. American people are special, they have built this country with hands from different classes and origins. What make american people so special ? During generations this people had to work very hard from nothing to build a future in this vast country. Politicaly more liberal than most European countries and at the same time very conservative with their traditions, they had to make a compromise to live all together whatever the origin of its people or whatever the colour of their skin was. Italians, Irish, Polish, Germans, Russian, Asians, Hispanics, all these generations now belong to this nation without any distinction.
Wherever I go, either restaurants or shops, I receive an excellent service, everybody is polite and they apologize if the touch you accidentanly when passing a floor or in the stairs. Entering a store the first thing they will say to you with a smile will be "How are you today sir". I think for them it's normal, it's just us that we lost manners in Europe. I also feel quite secure, probably the September attacks made their society change quite a bit. Everywhere I can see hughe masts with american flags of all sizes. I try not to forget though that is better don't to get into trouble with anybody specially when you go unarmed and without forgeting I am a foreigner and completely alone. A lot of things are too large for me like distances, cars, trucks, food portions, and people. Oh man, there are lots of fat guys around, but somebody told me this is changing and people try now to eat more healthy and also to do sports. It is also very prizely specially now when the Euro is so strong, so going shopping is a temptation that needs to be under control.
It is hot and humid now in south Texas , but at least there aren't mosquitos and this is a relieve. The hurricane season has just now started, and I've noticed that highways have signs of evacuation.
In NASA I've met fantastic people, very professional. They treat me very well, learning their job , and even having luch with an astronaut, what else can I ask for ? Here people work very hard, have less holidays than we do in western Europe, but nobody complains. Work is sacred for them, somehow we should import this kind of commitment into Europe. It is not strange that this country is still the first economy in the world. I feel also winds of change here, if Obama makes a good campaign he will become the next US president, and I think many people here want it and probably the world also wants it.
Of course I wouldn't import most of their customs, and I probably wouldn't live in this country, but I definitely have a good impression of them , you can't blame these people because their politicians are driving their job in the wrong direction. There are a lot of good people in this country, that's what I learned.