The first days of November 1989 many people from West Berlin were gathering in front of the Berlin Wall to demonstrate while the DDR police officers mostly unarmed were just watching the events. They didn't receive any specific orders to reject the demonstration. On the political side, high level contacts between USSR officials and West Germany and US representatives were driving the regotiations at such a speed that the end of the cold world was just question of days, maybe hours. The DDR goverment announced on November 9, 1989, after several weeks of civil unrest, that all DDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. The World could not believe the pictures on TV, when that evening the crowds were jumping on top the wall from both sides of the Brandenburger Tor, wearing flowers and german flags, hugging to each other. Germany was again unified (officially 1 year later 3rd of October 1990), it was the end of the communist regime. Weeks later people broke into the wall wearing hammers,sticks or whatever object they grab and began to smashing it. The fall of the Berlin Wall ; a wall of shame that for almost 30 years was dividing not only two Germanys, but also two worlds, between democracy and tirany. It was the beginning of a new era, a new era of freedom for Europe.
45 years after the end of the war, the german people was again unified. I really feel admiration for this people. After the war they had a destroyed, military occupited, and divided country. From the ashes they build the Federal Republic, based on the values of freedom, respect, and work. They build a new democracy, an innovating industry, developing new technologies, and also made a great contribution in the establishment of the European Community. The role of Germany from the second half of the XXth century until today has been very important for Europe and for the World, and it is no question that our democracies have been also inspired in the Federal Republic system.
This week Berlin is celebrating the 20 years of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. And when U2 announced that they would offer a special concert in front of the Brandenburg Gate, then I said to myself , I can't miss this historical moment, not this time ! I've got the invitation through a friend, just lucky to be one of the 10000 privileg U2 fans allowed to see them life in such a historical place. An incredible 26 minutes show with several different light effects over the Gate, and a small stage, with U2 playing as they know, with the passion of Bono, if they still were those young irish guys that began his carreer more than 30 years ago. Somebody was missing with me but connected through my cellular, what a great moment.
It has been an incredible week, not only because I had the honour to met the greatest catalan political reference, who gives me inspiration and a reason to believe in my country, but also because I can see that there is extraordinary people in this world that can change your life for good.