Mittwoch, 1. September 2010

Floods in Pakistan

Once again the forces of nature are beating milions of innocent people. In this case the consequences of the unterrupted rain this summer which caused floods in Northwest Pakistan and affecting the areas along the Indus river.
There is now a real danger of the spread of waterborne diseases, like diarrhea and perhaps cholera in these areas.
The UN and other organizations asked help from the western countries to cover the emergency situation. Nevertheless the European Countries and the US sent food and medicines. Some sources said that some water dam was released and flood vast areas increasing the drama of the poor country people.
And again money had been collected, but what is the real destination ? And the purpose of that ?Pakistan has a nuclear program, and own satellites orbiting the earth. It has a large army deploited in Cashmir. The pakistani regime can be all but democratic, and is still controlled by the Army. The tragedy is for those poor people, but shouldn't be time to tell Pakistan that they shall invest their resources in their own people instead of keping a nuclear arsenal and send communications and spy satellites, and host terrorist in the assolated mountains next to Afghanistan ?

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