Mittwoch, 24. August 2011
Arrivederci amico
Non potevo credere la notizia ricevuta Lunedi mattina, sono rimasto senza parole. Ricorderò sempre la tua generosità e simpatia, il tuo aiutto con immersioni a Sankt Leon, e tante conversazioni amichevoli. Una grande persona. Non importa dove sei adesso, perché non ci hai mai lasciato. Avremo sempre un pensiero per te. Arrivederci amico Fabio
Dienstag, 23. August 2011
Quan es perd el respecte a tot ...
El viscut al final del partit de tornada de la supercopa d'Espanya ha estat d'una vergonya sense precedents. Un partit que podria semblar , a priori , de pre-temporada va ser preparat a conciencia pel Madrid, per marcar múscul i per poder pressumir d'haver derrotat per fí al vigent campió de Lliga i d'Europa. Doncs va passar que el Madrid no ha pogut derrotar al Barça, el qual de fet encara tenia la sorra de la platja al banyador abans d'aquest torneig. Es cert que el Madrid ha jugat millor en alguns moments, però el Barça estava minvat d'efectius i sense gaire rodatje, i amb tot els hem guanyat !
Mourinho ja tenia conçevut un pla en cas de que no li sortís bé el partit, i que consistia en discutir ferverment totes les decisions arbitrals adverses així com l'us del cos a cos al limit del reglament. amb Pepe, Marcelo i Xavi Alonso repartint llenya per tot el camp. El mateix guió que la temporada passada. Per si no hi hagués prou es va montar una tangana arrel de la durissima entrada de Marcelo a Cesc pel darrera i amb traidoria. Tots dos vestidors van sortir al camp, i els més destacats a les males arts i les provocacions com Özil i Carvalho, Chendo i Karaka (el gosset portaveu del del Sétuval) volien que els jugadors del Barça entressin al cos a cos i es deixessin provocar. El pitjor de tot va ser veure com el millor entrenador FIFA2010, a votació dels periodistes, va actuar com un fil.libuster enfonsant el seu index en l'ull del Tito Vilanova. Increible. Els límits de la violencia no semblen tenir fi, i ara ja hem arribat a un punt crític i perillós. Mourinho ha quedat retratat davant de tot el món, l'odi i la xul.leria en la seva expresió i que van captar les càmeres no tenen precedents, tothom en parlarva fins divendres. Mourinho ha demostrat que és una mala persona, i un entrenador mediocre que vol enmascarar les seves limitacions, i que tot i que encara disfruta del suport de la massa social blanca, poc a poc li comencen a retirar suport dins del club. Cal que la Federació, el Comité de disciplina, i Anti-violencia actuin d'ofici, pel bé del futbol. Aquests fets no poden quedar impunes, pel bé del futbol. Per altra banda l'harmonia de la sel.lecció espanyola pot estar en perill i aquest extrem no agrada ni a la central lechera de Madrid.
Crec que el Barça ha de mostrar-se caut ni no entrar en la provocacions d'algú que és pensa que esta per sobre de tot i de tothom, que pot guanyar amb joc brut, i que ja no pot justificar-se més per no poder guanyar al Barça. Tindrem un inici de campanya molt intens, la llàstima serà que no quedi Mourinho madridista per molt de temps.
Sonntag, 14. August 2011
The Economy doesn't know about holidays
Once again the summer holidays seem not to be the best time of year for the economy, as the main Stock markets suffered a new attack. On one side we have seen how the US economy went too close to shut down the public system, due to the long disputes in the US Congress wheDn both Republicans and emocrats were arguing with the law to increase of the public debt proposed by Obama. Here in Europe the rumours of some countries to go into public bankrupt, brought panic into the markets. Inverstors started to sell their shares, mainly banks and insurances, while ECB and EU had to quickly make strong statements against the reports that indicate that Italy and Spain would need to receive rescue fonds to face their already high public debt.
In this crazy movement in the Stock Markets indicating a new upcoming recession, when the Tech-companies are showing good numbers and car industry (e.g Volkswagen, BMW) are reporting positive balances ? Globalization, my "favorite" word ... Governments are now forced to reduce their debts, in first place cutting costs which hits the public social system, and they are not keen to increase of the taxes which could bring the already fragile economy into a big recession. Is this actually right ? If the lower and mid classes are going to accept restrictions on the public health system or other services like retirement conditions, meanwhile some others, elite people (also sport stars), bank and corporation managers, still have some privileges is not going to last forever. The policy of privilege should be revise widely, but is going to happen? Probably not, but it is not acceptable that bank managers or corporation leaders who have received public rescue fonds keep their bonusses and other kind of privileges. Another interesting point is what to do with the Tax paradises (banana republics), some of them still in Europe. Do they deserve to hold the shares and wealth of business produced in Europe?
It must be very serious situation when China it self sends an alarm message and complaint to resolve the world markets issues by bringing a new monetary policy, but of course, it is China which retains more US dollars in their reserves than other country in the world. Is this an new order for the new world ruler ? It is ironic , isn't ?
Stock markets are not always reflecting the truth of the economy health. A well-known doctor on Economics said once that Stock Markets is in general full of maniac inverstors, because a simple rumour can sink the value of a healthy corporation in just a few days or even hours. This practice is often intiated by the speculators, and a reason to bring the markets into panic. EU comission said this week this practice is going to be regulated, and probably will bring some stability until September. It is now time to see if the U.S. , the still today first world economy, is going to show a suficent internal growth , reduce the unemployment rate, and the stabilize public debt, otherwise we will have a hot autumn. Economy has no holidays, either I ....
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