Sonntag, 16. März 2008

Tibet vs. Kosovo and the good Diplomacy

Diplomacy is one of the weapons the big nations have to manage conflicts. Without good diplomacy our world would be doomed with wars, crimes and conflicts like already occured in the past. However diplomacy is sometimes not enough to avoid those conflicts to happen. Diplomacy can also be used for the profit of nations with special interests and wills. In the last months we are having an example of what the practice of good and bad diplomacy can be.
The world knows that since the last Kosovo war following the terrible conflict of the Balcans in the early 90s, the United States, NATO and most of the Western European countries had special interest to help Kosovo to reach its indepence. Serbia has lost since the death of general Tito all the non-serbian territories of the former Yugoslavia. It has to be acknowledged that the International Community has made great effort , and that was good, to avoid war, and to protect and guarantee the rights of the Kosovars that lead to Parlamentary elections in 2007. When the Kosovar Parlament declared its independence from Servia it took less than twenty-four hours the United States and most of the biggest countries of Europe like Germany, France or the U.K, to recognize its sovereign, while other countries decided to standby due to the negative of Russia and China to recognize Kosovo as an independent country. Again Europe showing its side full of doubts and contradictions, while in the meantime this issue it has not been raised in UNO's Security Council yet.
In another part of the world an old conflict has exploted. In Tibet, a country occupated by the force in 1950 by Popular Republic of China, the budhist monks followed by a few Tibetan citizens marched on the streets of Lhasa. The police has aborted the protests using the force in order, they reported, to protect the chinese community and order. The Chinese authorities denied any casualties among the monks or any other tibeatean civilian, but independent agencies had reported dozens of people arrested as well as a few deaths. Even if the real number of casualties is still unknown the Dalai Lama has called its people to avoid violence and plegged the International Community to find out the truth in a country where free of speech and information are banned by the communist regime. This protest showed the frustation of the people who live with several difficulties, like high rate of unemployment and poverty, people who see that the Chinese colones are taking over all the economy. Until today any of the big nations of the world haven't even make any official statement to condemn the repression suffered by the Tibetans. What makes then Kosovo different than Tibet ? It is not the role of the International Community to protect the rights of the oppressed people ? Obviously is not the same to face Serbia than the giant China. All those countries that defended the independence of Kosovo have today important comercial tights with China, the biggest market in the world and one of the biggest economies.
Just a few months before the Olympic Games in Beijing the tensions are raising. It is China who accuse Dalai Lama to provoque a conflict taking advantage of the Olympic Games. China will be now very careful to show the world its good manners avoiding any visible repression over the tibetans. But it is expected from the world democratic countries they use their good diplomacy and avoid injustice at all terms.
I remember a few months before the United States and its allied decided to invade Irak when around the world pacifists and many people went to demostrate in big cities, like Barcelona, Paris, Berlin, but now, Tibet is ignored. Does people care about this small budhist country with desperated people and with its spiritual leader of this ancient culture exiliated in India. Where are the calls of the free world now?
Will the good diplomacy resolve this conflict ?

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